Acess Control Systems from Watchman Alarms
Access Control is an essential security measure for restricting, monitoring and dictating the movements of visitors and personnel within your premises and can be as simple or advanced as your requirements demand.
Audio Entry Systems
Audio Entry Systems for both domestic multi-occupancy buildings and commercial premises provide the identity of the visitor prior to access being allowed, or denied, by means of a call button and speech unit on a vandal resistant door entry panel.
Audio & Video Entry Systems
The combination of audio and video provides even greater control over the identity of the visitor prior to access being allowed, or denied, by means of a high quality image on the handset’s integrated screen.
Massive advances in technology means that systems can be interfaced to the buildings telephone system, which will allow sophisticated routing to areas such as reception desks, concierge services or mobile phones.
Card Swipe & Proximity Systems
The use of swipe cards or proximity tokens is particularly popular in commercial premises allowing secure flexible control over who is allowed to enter a building and when. Personnel gains access by swiping the card or presenting the token to the reader, the door unlocks and they are granted access.
Chip & Proximity Systems
A contact less RF (radio frequency) technology combination card, commonly known as the smart card, uses chip and proximity technology to allow you to view and track personnel’s movements across the site. In addition, they can be combined with biometric access control scanners enabling you to mix fingerprint reading and non-fingerprint reading access control on the same security network.
Each attempted access on a scanner is logged within the access control software allowing you to view and track employees' movements across your site; which can also be utilised to provide time and attendance functions, evacuation and roll call/muster facilities.
Code Lock Systems
A code lock is a simple and obvious choice for commercial and residential premises where only a few internal doors need securing. This minimizes the risk of unwanted visitors gaining access to restricted areas.
PC Based Software
Computer based access control software can manage one door on one site to hundreds of doors’ on multiple sites.